Trapped in the gaming world of Elix, Sehyun’s once mode of solace is now his prison. Here, one must conquer empires or be conquered. What’s more, dying in-game means dying in real life. Stuck in a perilous reality, Sehyun must save his empire while facing the effects of his corrupt past. To do so, he must regain the trust of his Grand Duke, Ruhak. But since he has so much resentment toward Sehyun, the only way to appease Ruhak is to succumb to his needs, no matter how immoral or carnal they are.
Surviving as a Player «Official»
How to Survive as a Player / 플레이어로 살아남는 방법
Warning, the series titled "Surviving as a Player «Official»" may contain violence, blood or sexual content that is not appropriate for minors.