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My dream man and I are dying

My Ideal type and I are dying, 我和我的理想型嗝屁了! My ideal type and I fell out!

Ren Chuan is a rich CEO desperate to escape all the women trying to pressure him into marriage, so he tells everyone he has stomach cancer and escapes by getting himself admitted to the hospital. There he meets Jiang Huan, another wealthy CEO feigning serious illness to get away from his problems, and the two men immediately become smitten with each other. The problem? Each one thinks the other is dying, and both are lying their butts off to keep their secrets from being exposed. What follows is the hilarious misadventures of two hospital patients and the chaos they create for themselves and those around them. These company presidents may be sharp as a tack in the boardroom, but they aren’t nearly as savvy at falling in love!
My dream man and I are dying
AlternativeMy Ideal type and I are dying, 我和我的理想型嗝屁了! My ideal type and I fell out!
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